
A understanding of what are the best WordPress themes and reasons for them being the top themes in WordPress

A Comprehensive Guide to the Best WordPress themes

In the world of WordPress, a theme operates much like the soul of a website, comparable to the ambiance of a novel or even the ...
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Comprehensive list of all the Best WordPress Tips and the most common mistakes beginners and advanced users make.
WordPress Tips

A comprehensive list of WordPress Best Practices and Tips

Most Common Mistakes WordPress Beginners and Advanced Users Make Whether you’re new to WordPress or already well-acquainted with its CMS, in life, we all stumble ...
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Achieving WordPress Website Speeds sub second in spite of using Elementor. Optimizing WordPress Site Speeds in spite of using Elementor
WordPress Tips

Discover Why These WordPress Performance Stats Are Even More Astonishing

In the realm of WordPress development, there’s a lot of talk about certain practices that experts claim can slow down your website. But here’s where ...
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How to obtain original/visitor IP address when using cloudflare as a CDN with wordpress
WordPress Tips

How to Obtain the Original IP/Visitor IP When Using the Cloudflare CDN with a WordPress Website

When using a CDN like Cloudflare, users do not receive the original visitor IP directly. Instead, what they see is the IP address of the ...
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Conveying that in WordPress the whole is greater than the sum, where WordPress needs to be looked at holistically
WordPress Tips

Understanding WordPress Development: The Imperative of Viewing Projects as a Unified Whole, Rather than Mere Isolated Parts

Introduction: The thrill of initiating a WordPress project often sparks an eagerness to rush through the purchase of a domain name, choosing a WordPress hosting ...
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Comprehensive Guide on How to Rank a WordPress website on First Page of Google Search results using Google's own guidelines as well as SEO Experts
WordPress Tips

Your Ultimate Guide: How to Rank on the First Page of Google’s Search Results

In the always-changing world of getting your website to show up on Google’s first page, It’s worth noting that no one, aside from perhaps a ...
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Best WordPress Plugins

A Post about the top 4 WordPress Contest & Giveway Plugins
Best WordPress Plugins

The Top 4 WordPress Contest & Giveaway Plugins

In today’s digital landscape, effectively engaging your audience requires a blend of creativity and strategic thinking. This is where WordPress ...
The Top 3 WordPress Table & Charts Plugins
Best WordPress Plugins

The Top 3 WordPress Table & Chart Plugins

Choosing the right WordPress table plugin can be daunting, with searches often leading to lists ranging anywhere from six to ...
A Comprehensice Guide to the Best WordPress Image Gallery Plugins
Best WordPress Plugins

A Comprehensive Guide to the Best WordPress Image Gallery Plugins

In today’s digital landscape, websites have transcended their roles as mere repositories of information. They have transformed into vibrant, interactive ...

WordPress Security

Best Hosting

The Most Comprehensive List of WordPress Hosting Providers
Best Hosting

The Most Comprehensive List of WordPress Hosting Providers

The Most Comprehensive List of WordPress Hosting Providers
The Most Important Fact users need to know about WordPress Hosting
Best Hosting

The Most Important Facts to Know About WordPress Hosting Providers

Exposing Hidden Tactics in WordPress Hosting The WordPress ecosystem, worth over $620 billion annually, is extremely competitive, particularly among hosting ...

Must Read

Must Read

Setting the Record Straight: The Irresistible Case for WordPress & WooCommerce over Shopify

Welcome to our guide where we’ll compare WooCommerce and Shopify, two leading e-commerce platforms. We’ll examine key differences in cost, ...
Services we offer WordPress.NewCitizen.io